What is Digital Ration Card? – As we all know that India is a developing country, it is necessary to develop the country in many aspects. One of these aspects is technology advancement through ease to access. The more the facility will be easy, the more it will affect people in a positive way. In a past few years, India has grown drastically in accepting modern day technologies. Whether we take an example of mobile advancement or smart phone advancement usage, or it is banking, reservations etc. everything is on the digital platform now. Anybody can access these facilities on their computer or mobile phone. Isn’t it easier to use these things and still doesn’t waste time in making deals?
Digital Ration Card Registration and Status
Digital ration card is also one of the basic facilities that India has accepted in a very recent time. Otherwise it was very lengthy and tiring process to go to the centres and bring necessary items with the help of Hard Copy of the ration card. The digitization of ration card will make it much easier to bring the items in very less time. It will look like an ATM card or Credit card but will serve the purpose of ration card. The amount given at the time of purchasing items from ration shops will be subsidized, and subsidies will be deposited to purchaser’s account. Thus, history of the purchasing will be available in the card.
Digital ration card will save every information about the family of the individual, the amount of the total purchase, total history of purchase etc. Booming Black market on ration items will be stopped completely after this move. People will be benefited of no longer queues.
Documents needed for issuing Digital Ration Card
Voter Id card
Aadhar Card
Telephone bill
Electricity bill in the name of head of the family
The person must be Indian Citizen
Head of the family or any other member of the family can make Digital Ration Card
The members on the Digital Ration card must not be the member of any other Digital Ration card.
Any identity proof is a must for issuing Digital Ration Card.
Digital Ration Card UP
Every person belonging to identified eligible households is entitled to receive 5 Kg of foodgrains per person per month at subsidized prices under TPDS. The existing Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) households, which constitute the poorest of the poor, will continue to receive 35 Kg of foodgrains per household per month.
Official website where you can check up ration card status is http://fcs.up.nic.in/. the official website which allows to login ration management system is
Ration Card Status Check Online
For issuing new Digital Ration Card, please follow the link given below and select the option of your choice. Fill the application form and submit it.
For offline application, individual should go to the nearest depot, collect the form from there. Fill it and submit it there only.
In a past few years of growth, India has taken giant leap for the advancement of technology which in sense is a very good idea to conquer the older techniques and queue longing processes. This is how people understand the meaning of Digital India and they use it properly. Once the digital ration card is available, no need to worry about the queues, black market, higher prices etc. Digital Ration card is one giant leap towards the betterment of the society. This system will give many hopes to everyone.