PMKVY is full form of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna. The Objectives of this scheme is to endow a huge number of indian teenagers to take industry related skill training that will help us to secure better circumstances. PMKVY appeared on 20th March, 2015. PMKVY was launched in 15th july, 2015 by respectable prime minister shri Narendrabhai Modi. it is a dream project of sincere prime minister Narendrabhai Modi. cabinet has approved the scheme for four years 2016-2020 to publish skill to 10 million youth of our country.
As we all know that there is a revolutionary scheme which shows the vision of our Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the young generation, the future of India. It is necessary to build a professional attitude with the right approach to work and that can only come with proper skills and knowledge in any particular field of work. PM Kaushal Vikas Yojana is one of the attitude building institutional arrangements by the Government of India in which, proper industrial and professional skill building of every individual will be handled by the government with the help of different institutes. Fee expenses is not an issue in PMKVY because the government is giving fees to the institutes directly and students don’t have to pay any kind of monetary expenses.
PMKVY Online Details Info
Ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship and National skill development corporation are managing this scheme. One of the primary reasons to start this scheme was to develop and establish a work force which will help Indian economy grow in a faster and better way. People from remote areas, villages and even bigger cities can not manage to develop proper skills that can lead them to a great opportunity in India or abroad. By launching such practical approach-oriented schemes, the government is trying to reduce the portion from industries, academics, training centres and many other fields where people are not getting selected for proper reason i.e. less skilled than the requirement.
From finding a training centre to download guidelines and brochures, applying, editing PMKVY also comprises following key components.
Training (Short Term)
Kaushal & Rozgaar mela
Placement guidelines
Special projects
Recognition and prior learning
PMKVY online web portal is very helpful and easy to access for every student od unemployed, person with disability. Anybody can choose their respective training centres from the website. They can visit there with necessary documents and enrol their selves for any particular course. Varying in so many fields PMVKY scheme has a lot of options to choose from for training. Almost every state every district and every taluka are covered under this scheme with one or another kid of course to develop as a skill.
The page shows different options such as state, district, sector and job role. Any individual can choose the course they would want to work in or develop their interest in. Once after selecting above mentioned 4 options, the website will show the list of Institutions or learning centres available for that particular course/sector.
Given above is an example of a course selection. State-Gujarat, District-Surat, Sector- Apparel made ups and home furnishing. Like the procedure we just saw, any individual can select any state, any course, any sector and any job role. Which will be easier to find out. Even the list of these sector wise institutions is available for downloading on the website.
Helpline numbers are also available for various inquiries.
Student helpline number: 88000-55555
Skill Management and Accreditation of Training centres (SMART) helpline: 18001239626
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna Technicalities (2016-2020)
The PMKVY scheme provide skill development training and certification to successful candidates. india is the country with the most youth population in the world, they need better skills and training regarding business. it is the forerunner scheme for the Indian youth. this scheme will awning 24 lakhs candidates.
Fee Details for PMKVY Scheme
1. Center Accreditation Fee Rs. 12000 + 1000 Per Job Role/Course
2. Continuous Monitoring Fee Rs. 8000 Yearly
3. SSC Affiliation Fee Rs. 6000 Per Course /Per SSC
All updates Regarding PMKVY can be shown on official website
How to Register or Apply in PMKVY
You can register on online mode. if you have any difficulties for registration process so you can visit the official website of PMKVY (
Steps for the PMKVY online registration :
- Visit the Official website
- Go to the Home Page of PMKVY official website.
- Now, You can see option “Training Center and Job”.
- At this time choose the State, District and job role.
- Click on the Submit button and redirect next page.
- Attached required Document for the PMKVY registration.
- After pay Fees for the your selected PMKVY courses. you must be provide Aadhar No and bank details for the payement.
- Now your payment process successfully done.
- Now you are registered in PMKVY, take features from it.
Note : You filled up your form with your own responsibilities. we may your details and provided documents regarding the PMKVY Registration Process is True.
If candidates complete the Training successfully then PMKVY offered job to candidates. PMKVY main objectives is increasing capacity and capability of the existing system and easily will access by all.
In PMKVY Registration Form contains some details about an candidates that details are Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Aadhar No, Address, District, Education Qualification and Specialization in any subject or topic etc,…
Note : In Registration Form , all fields are mandatory.
PMKVY Required Documents
The documents are above to attached with PMKVY registration form.
- Registration Form in which some important details Name of the candidates, Father’s Name, Contact Number, Courses selection .
- Two photographs of influence addressing the candidates. it must be attached with Registration form.
- Must require Aadhar Card where your aadhar no are there.
- Bank Account for the payment of PMKVY Registration. where your payment process is successful by PMKVY team.
PMKVY Courses
Candidates may enroll same or different course in the scheme. candidates shall only be given for a maximum of two courses provided there is a six-month gap between the certification date of the first course and batch start date of the subsequent course. PIAs may propose bridge courses to the candidates, that will approval by Project Approval Committee. bridge courses must be of 60 – 80 hours duration. for further information you can visit the PMKVY official website
PMKVY Guidelines
Guidelines mentioned in this page which approval by PMKVY steering committee. Below Guidelines are relates to PMKVY.
Short Term Training Guidelines : The Short Term Training at convey Training centers that expected to provide benefit to candidates who are failure in either School/Colleges or in other word you can say jobless candidates. TCs(Training centers) providing training awarded to NSQF (National Skills Qualification Framework). TCs stands for training in soft skills, industrialism, commercial and statistical proficiency. Training ranging between 150 to 300 hours as per job rule. after the completion of training, candidates provided placement as a supported assistance by TPs(Training Partners). the integrated training and estimation fees paid by government.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) : In the sheme prior Learning Skills survey and accredit under the RPL component. Project Implementing Agencies(PIAs) like Sector Skill Councils(SSCs) designed by NSDC/MSDE. PIAs(Project Implementing Agencies) offered arch courses to candidates. RPL process Steps are below:
1. Mobilization
2. Counseling and pre-screening
3. Orientation
4. Final Assessment
5. Certification and Payout.
Special Project Guidelines : The Special Project Guidelines, that will facilitate training in special areas of government and industry. trainings in special job roles not considered under the available Qualification Packss (QPs)/National Occupational Standards (NOSs). special projects are require some variation from the terms and condition of Short Term Training for shareholder. shareholder can be from either government body or any other body , who desire to afford training to candidates.
Kaushal Rozgar Mela Guidelines : social mobilization is intensively satirical for the success of PMKVY. active participation in aggregate knowledge of the social for better operative. PMKVY assigns special importance through mobilization.TPs shall conduct kaushal and rozgar mela every six months with media. purposefully, the required to participate in National Career Service Mela and other activities.
Placement Guidelines : PMKVY anticipate to link with the propensity, vocation and cognition of the skilled workforce. placement guidelines creates business liberty and trade in the market. PMKVY TCs provide placement opportunities to candidates, also give the certificate.
Monitoring Guidelines : NSDC and other inspection agencies use various technique like monitoring, self-audit reporting, call validation and surprise visit over the SDMS(Skill Development Management Systems). that opportunities raised with latest technologies. NSDC have right to modify scheme guidelines.
If you have any difficulties regarding PMKVY , candidate can use PMKVY’s official website . in that included all the information of PMKVY regarding PMKVY Registration ,Details, Courses and Deep Information about Guidelines.